Roxon asked for support from big tobacco
Exclusive: Federal Health Minister Nicola Roxon has been caught out seeking financial support from one of the nation’s top cigarette makers.
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Only Unions Support OSHA 1993 Patrick Tyson Environmental Tobacco Smoke World Conference
This is clipped from a presentation by attorney Patrick Tyson about OSHA and its authority to regulate exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) in 1993….
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Do you support raising taxes on cigarettes?
A day after the General Assembly ends, groups are pushing for another tobacco tax increase in Maryland.
Health Advocates Rally in Support of the Tobacco Tax Act of 2014
SACRAMENTO, CA — In an effort to fight the most preventable cause of death and disease in California, health advocates held a rally on Wednesday, May 1, 201…
Well, cigarette prices could be on the rise, but this time it’s for a good cause. President Obama’s administration proposed a plan to increase taxes on tobac…
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