Cigar Interview with Alan Rubin of Alec Bradley Cigars: IPCPR 2010
Electronic Personal Cigar Taster – ePCT- Famous Smoke Shop
The Electronic Personal Cigar Taster, or ePCT, is a revolutionary new device that allows cigar smokers to try cigar before committing to a purchase. You simply plug the device into your USB…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Girls are back riding, 1996 Classic Cigar vs Dare and Go
youtube@sportofkingstv The girls are back! Road to the Breeders’ Cup: Arlington Million, Beverly D, Guru’ Mike Heads looks at what is happening at Hastings, along with offering his picks…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Insurance Broker Canada | Cigar Smoking and Life Insurance
Insurance Broker Canada | | Call 877-811-4043. Mitch Reynolds, President of Life Guard Insurance talks about “Cigar Smoking” and “buying life insurance”….