Monthly Archives: April 2015

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Cigars Sydney Australia

Cuban Cigars and Cigars from around the world. We offer a large range of Cigar accessories and French Cognac all at discount prices. For all your Cuban Cigar needs just remember …

Northern California Mobile Food Truck News Conference

The BOE was out amongst the sights and smells at a food truck news conference speaking to owners about a newly amended regulation that helps operators speed up the point-of-sale process with…
Video Rating: 0 / 5

SPEAKERS Dr Sarah Jarvis: GP; fellow, Royal College of General Practitioners; BBC1 One Show doctor; author, Women’s Health for Life Rob Lyons: deputy editor, spiked; writer on science and…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

How Corporate America Parks Profits Overseas, Avoiding Billions in Taxes

Rolling Stone contributing editor Tim Dickinson talks about his new article, “The Biggest Tax Scam Ever.” Dickinson reports on how top U.S. companies are avoiding hundreds of billions of dollars…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Today, there are more than 60 million Americans enrolled in Medicaid—but what is Medicaid and how is it financed? This video explains how Medicaid is funded and how it will change under the…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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