Electronic Personal Cigar Taster – ePCT- Famous Smoke Shop
The Electronic Personal Cigar Taster, or ePCT, is a revolutionary new device that allows cigar smokers to try cigar before committing to a purchase. You simply plug the device into your USB…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Electronic cigar testing in Las Vegas casino’s
Electronic cigarettes might be normal now, but electric cigars? We take the Vapor Corp’s E-cigar to the Las Vegas Casino floor to see what “real” smokers think.
Electronic Cigarette Tax Proposal
The price of electronic cigarettes could go up, if a proposed tax goes through. State lawmakers are discussing a potential excise tax on the product. The tax…
Video Rating: 5 / 5
The Electronic Cigarette: Dangerous and Disgusting!!!
Get more information on the electronic cigarette: Click here http://www.ecigarettedirect.co.uk/book/no-need-to-quit.html for our free e-book and learn how yo…
Video Rating: 3 / 5