The Future of Public Health: Dr. LaMar Hasbrouck Visits ESL,IL. 2012Videoby Erica M.Brooks 5-14-12
May 14, 2012 The Future of Public Health New State Health Director Visits East St. Louis Dr. LaMar Hasbrouck talks with local health officials EAST ST. LOUIS…
Video Rating: 5 / 5 For most researchers, conducting research in domains that can make a difference in people’s lives is a common primary goal. What s…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
World No Tobacco Day ceremony at the Pan American Health Organization – June 2nd 2011
World No Tobacco Day ceremony at the Pan American Health Organization June 2nd 2011. Three tobacco control alliances—from Chile, Peru and around the world—wi…
Rap and Song by TTRC Clients for the “Department of Health Red Orchid Awards” 2012
This was the song and rap collaboration performed by recovering drug-dependent clients of the Tagaytay Treatment and Rehabilitation Center (TTRC) for the “De…
The Public Health Impact of Tobacco Product and Advertising Regulation
This presentation of Public Health Grand Rounds focuses on recent legislative successes in tobacco control efforts – including the FDA’s ability to regulate …