Gasoline, Cigarettes, Alcohol and Taxes: When Less Is More
Do people visiting Missouri take advantage of the Show-Me State’s lower excise taxes? Right now, the state of Missouri earns tax revenue by having comparativ…
ATF Fights Cigarette Smuggling by Smuggling Cigarettes! Don’t Cops Have Better Things to Do?!
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, (and Explosives!) has been fighting cigarette smuggling by smuggling cigarettes. Agents buy smokes in low-tax state…
Indian cigarettes are tax free, for now
“Not yet!” That’s the message a federal judge is sending to Albany over its cigarette tax battle with the Senecas.
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Anti-tobacco activist in favor of raising taxes on cigarettes
Molly Moilanen, director of public affairs at ClearWay Minnesota, testifies on HF91.
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