Economic and Public Health Impact of 2007-10 Tobacco Tax Increases in Ukraine, by Dr. Hana Ross
“Economic and Public Health Impact of 2007-2010 Tobacco Tax Increases in Ukraine” by Dr. Hana Ross, American Cancer Society, March 28, 2012. This lecture foc…
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Dec. 28 (Bloomberg) — Bloomberg’s Mike Firn reports on Japan’s plan to raise tobacco taxes for the first time in four years. The Cabinet approved a plan to …
President Obama on Kids Tobacco Legislation
The President gives brief remarks in the Rose Garden on the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, and takes one question on the Iranian election…
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Why Non-Smokers Should Care about Cigarette and Tobacco Taxes
The National Taxpayers Union (NTU) takes a brief look at why non-smokers should be concerned about politicians using Cigarette and Tobacco taxes to fund new …
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Organization pushes for higher tobacco taxes
Last week, the state legislature approved a five-year transportation bill that would raise 0 million in new taxes.
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The DFL majority in the Minnesota legislature has a list of priorities and campaign promises they want to fulfill, but they come with a price tag of nearly $ …