Monthly Archives: March 2015

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Press Briefing by Deputy Presidential Spokesperson Abigail Valte, 12 Oct 2012

Press Briefing Room, New Executive Bldg., Malacañang, | News Releases below | Audio |,%2020124…

Joseph Coletti, John Locke Foundation director of health and fiscal policy studies, urges state lawmakers to drop a proposal to increase taxes on a tobacco p…
Video Rating: 1 / 5

Governor talks taxes

SANDIA PUEBLO, N.M. (AP) – Gov. Bill Richardson is opening the door to changes in New Mexico’s food tax repeal as lawmakers look for ways to shore up the sta…

A simple marketing twist and a tax loophole could be saving tobacco companies hundreds of millions in taxes. The AP’s Faryl Ury reports. (Nov. 17)
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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