Monthly Archives: March 2015
Press Briefing by Deputy Presidential Spokesperson Abigail Valte, 12 Oct 2012
Press Briefing Room, New Executive Bldg., Malacañang, | News Releases below | Audio |,%2020124…
Joseph Coletti, John Locke Foundation director of health and fiscal policy studies, urges state lawmakers to drop a proposal to increase taxes on a tobacco p…
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Governor talks taxes
SANDIA PUEBLO, N.M. (AP) – Gov. Bill Richardson is opening the door to changes in New Mexico’s food tax repeal as lawmakers look for ways to shore up the sta…
A simple marketing twist and a tax loophole could be saving tobacco companies hundreds of millions in taxes. The AP’s Faryl Ury reports. (Nov. 17)
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New Delhi under pressure for cigarette plain packaging legislation
Only one other country in the world produces more tobacco than India, and every year more than one million Indians die from tobacco-related cancer. It is est…
What Once Was A Fee, Now A Tax To Minnesota Republicans
During Governor Tim Pawlentyapos;s administration, Minnesota Republicans backed a “health impact fee” which was in fact a cigarette tax. Now that a Democrat …
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