Monthly Archives: December 2014
CDC Tips From Former Smokers — Terrie’s Ad: Don’t Smoke
Smoking gave Terrie cancer at age 40. In this TV commercial for CDC’s Tips From Former Smokers campaign, she speaks from a hospital bed. In the unique, raspy…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Venezuela Increases Luxury Taxes to Bolster State Coffers
Venezuela’s top tax official said the country will increase taxes on luxury goods, alcohol and tobacco to help shore up the government’s finances, as falling…
Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle today announced the results of her administration’s crack down on illegal cigarette sales. Since taking office, …
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Cigarette price rise in NZ – first tax rise in a decade
NZ government has overnight rushed through a price (tax) rise in the cost of a packet of cigarettes – 30% over three years, the next rise being in January 20…
Beijing bans tobacco advertising, smoking in public places
Beijing on Friday adopted an anti-smoking legislation, vowing to ban smoking at all indoor public places, workplaces and on public transport. The draft regul…
Video Rating: 5 / 5