Monthly Archives: July 2014
Farrin Foster – No Tobacco Tax Party
Farrin Foster met two local smokers who are taking their fight against the tobacco tax hike all the way to Canberra.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
House Revenue and Taxation Committee Chair Dennis Lake, R-Blackfoot, discusses efforts to increase Idaho’s tobacco tax.
Advocates Push For New Tobacco Tax
Maryland could soon be one of the most expensive states in the country for smokers, if a campaign to raise the tobacco tax succeeds.
Video Rating: 0 / 5
Tying an Olive CDC Dun (DryFly) with Davie McPhail.
Materials Used; Hook, Partridge SLD or SUD Barbless size 12 to 18 Thread, Uni- Olive, Yellow or Dark Brown 8/0 Tail, Ginger and Golden Olive Chinese Cock Fib…
Kan. Governor Proposes Sales, Tobacco Tax Hikes
ansas Gov. Mark Parkinson on Monday proposed raising taxes on groceries, clothing, cigarettes and other consumer goods to eliminate a projected budget shortf…