Monthly Archives: March 2014
Anti-smoking advocates, small businesses at odds over cigarette tax hike
On Monday a new state law will raise the price of cigarettes about .60 per-pack. While the Dayton administration and anti-smoking advocates are applauding …
VoicesTODAY asks: Will higher tobacco taxes work?

Why have anti-smoking efforts failed to stem the tide of younger smokers, and will the new higher prices to the trick? What else can be done? Join us on Thur…
Federal budget includes tobacco tax increase
Mid-Missourians are reacting to a proposed tobacco tax increase that would raise the federal tobacco tax to .95 per pack as part of the 2014 federal budget…
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Cigarette Tax Increase
Smoking could get more expensive if President Obama has his way. A controversial new budget proposal would raise the federal tax on cigarettes by 94 cents pe…
In a 2010 update to their 2008 study “Cigarette Taxes and Smuggling” (, Michael LaFaive and Todd Nesbit show the strong correla…