Tobacco Taxes
Federal Cigarette Tax Increased as of April 1st
For more info on this story and others, visit “Quitting smoking is easy. I’ve done it hundreds of times.” – Mark Twain According to a su…
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Newport Cigarette ad from the 60’s
Now over 10.00$ a pack here in NY. Whats a pack of Brand name smokes cost where you live? Smokers are gasping at higher cigarette and cigar prices as the lar…
Organization pushes for higher tobacco taxes
Last week, the state legislature approved a five-year transportation bill that would raise 0 million in new taxes.
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The DFL majority in the Minnesota legislature has a list of priorities and campaign promises they want to fulfill, but they come with a price tag of nearly $ …
TOBACCO TAX – Kansas City Week in Review
Currently Missouri has the lowest tobacco tax in the nation. Proposition B would raise the state tax on a pack of cigarettes from 17 cents to 90 cents. The p…
Michael Rathbone looks at using Show-Me Data to explore the lower excise taxes in Missouri on gasoline, alcohol and tobacco. These lower taxes attract custom…