Tobacco Taxes
Raise tax on all tobacco products – Doordashan
Press conference held on 07th January,2014 jointly by Institute of Public Health, Former Law Minister Sri Suresh Kumar, Legislator Dr C.N. Ashwath Narayan, L…
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This video explains the restrictions associated with impersonal modes of sale of tobacco products such as using vending machines or self-service displays and…
Smoking and Tobacco Products Banned on Georgia College Campuses
A new policy that goes into effect this fall will ban people from smoking anywhere on college campuses in Georgia. The new policy, which was voted on Wednesd…
CalTax Opposition to SB 653, Expansion of Local Taxing Authority
Gina Rodriquez, CalTax Vice President of State Tax Policy, leads the opposition in testifying against SB 653 (Steinberg), which would allow counties and scho…
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Australia needs to be reducing rates of smoking related cancer. The Liberal Party needs to stop funding their negative campaign with big donations from tobac…
Communities Can Win the Tobacco War.
The Indiana Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Commission hosted a gathering of partners and stakeholders from across the state to foster discussions on smokin…
Former us House Majority Leader Dick Armey speaks to the press at a rally at the Arkansas State Capital against the proposed cigarette tax increase.
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