CDC: Tips From Former Smokers – Terrie: “Terrie, What Are You Doing?”
Terrie smoked her first cigarette at 13. In 2000, she found a sore in her mouth that was diagnosed as oral cancer. Later she found out she had throat cancer….
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Tying an Olive CDC Dun (DryFly) with Davie McPhail.
Materials Used; Hook, Partridge SLD or SUD Barbless size 12 to 18 Thread, Uni- Olive, Yellow or Dark Brown 8/0 Tail, Ginger and Golden Olive Chinese Cock Fib…
CDC: Tips From Former Smokers — Brett’s Ad
Brett started smoking at age 16. By his midthirties, Brett had gum disease—a danger for all smokers. By age 42, he had lost most of his teeth, including 16 d…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Simulação de CDC
“A tropa de choque é tropa cujo os homens são dotados de habilidades, tecnicas, coragem e destemor” . Fico orgulhoso de servir junto com todos esses companhe…
Video Rating: 4 / 5